
I am trying to copy blob across storage accounts. To be specific I am trying to copy a blob of 1 GB from West Europe region to West US region. The West Europe region has Azure blob but destination i.e. West US region is a network path(\\something\something).

The way I am doing it now is a simple download blob as shown here. The speeds are really very low. The source code to copy/download blob is run from a region different from source and destination region.

What should be the efficient way of copying blob from Azure storage to a Network Path?

PS: I have worked with AzCopy and Data Movement Library for copying blob across storage accounts. The speed is quite fast when I copy from one Azure Storage account to other. But the speeds are terrible when I copy/download from Azure Storage account to network path.

Is this network path mapped to a File Share?Gaurav Mantri
@GauravMantri: No, its not. Does mapping the destination network path with File Share improve the performance? Or are there any different solutions if mapping is done?Shridhar R Kulkarni
@GauravMantri: When it comes to Azure, I always wait a bit more hoping Gaurav has an answer. Any inputs other than mentioned in answers?Shridhar R Kulkarni
Shridhar, I am flattered :). Can you please tell me how are you mapping the network path? AFAIK, blob storage can't be mapped as network drive.Gaurav Mantri

2 Answers


You can try use AzCopy.

AzCopy is a command-line utility designed for copying data to and from Microsoft Azure Blob, File, and Table storage using simple commands with optimal performance. You can copy data from one object to another within your storage account, or between storage accounts.

AzCopy to network path


How about creating a new Storage Account in West US and copying the blob from West Europe Account to it using AZCopy. After that, you could download the blob to your Network Path from the new storage Account.

I just tested it on my side. Copying a 1.1G size blob storage from one Storage Account in West Europe to another Storage Account in West US spent about 160 seconds(average transfer speed 7MB/S). Following is the sample copy command.

AzCopy /Source:https://account1.blob.core.windows.net/container1 /Dest:https://account2.blob.core.windows.net/container2 /SourceKey:key1 /DestKey:key2 /Pattern:yourblobname.ext