
Do you know how we can extract the field labels of all fields by code C# or SQL?

enter image description here

I can extract the "display name" but not the labels.

My purpose is to extract the list of labels for each field in the different forms.

You can export the translations.. this way you can edit in bulk & reimport. What's your purpose?Arun Vinoth - MVP
My purpose is to extract the list of labels for each field in the different formsmarcus
Did you find any alternative?Arun Vinoth - MVP

1 Answers


AFAIK, CRM form fields & whole funda are stored in xml. You can try to query & see the Form Metadata.

I recommend exporting translations & see through all the labels in one place. Alter the label text, correct the typos, spelling mistakes at one shot & reimport.

You said what you want but not why you want it (purpose). Please check 'Form related tools' in xrmtoolbox to see if it's helpful.