I don't have a ton of experience with Amazon SES. For a client of mine, I maintain a small subscription list (about 1300 people) and I use Amazon SES to send messages through from the WordPress blog that this group is subscribed to, whenever there is a new post. Every so often I get complaint notifications from Amazon, but there is no identifying info to tell me who the complaint is from so that I can remove them from my list. How can I use those emails (or some other part of SES) to effectively remove these recipients? I have no intention of sending to anyone who doesn't want to receive these emails (even if they have not unsubscribed on the blog directly), but I can find no way of addressing these complaints.
The messages contain (in addition to the content of the email), information like the following:
User-Agent: ReturnPathFBL/1.0
Abuse-Type: complaint
Arrival-Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2017 10:22:08 +0000
Feedback-Type: abuse
Version: 1
Original-Rcpt-To: [email protected]
Original-Mail-From: 0101015defb6e57b-8068a1db-1011-407e-af0c-1bf96aa38c5f-000000@us-west-2.amazonses.com
Reported-Domain: comcast.net
UPDATE This is maddening. I have now setup an endpoint on my server, and when subscribed to SNS topic I correctly receive logs that I have been subscribed. But then...NOTHING. I still get the useless emails, but I get zero SNS notifications, despite being verified. Still investigating.
UPDATE II Success!! It turns out that setting up SNS (or email notifications) on the DOMAIN was meaningless. I had to set it up specifically on the EMAIL SENDING ADDRESS. This was CRUCIAL but not at all obvious (at least to me)