I'm trying to use WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0 from source that is running properly.
I already configured Service Provider using SAML 2.0 on tenant and it is working properly. The option "Enable Authorization" is checked (Service Provider > Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration)
Now, I need to apply some access rules inside this tenant. Based on this, I'm creating a policy following this guide. https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS530/Configuring+Access+Control+Policy+for+a+Service+Provider
The policy created just grant or deny access based on user role.
But when I try to log in with the user we got some message: AUTHORIZATION FAILED, You are not authorized to login to this application.
I made many changes trying to achieve correct rules, but isn't working properly.
What can I do to make this work properly ?