
I'm trying to use WSO2 Identity Server 5.3.0 from source that is running properly.

I already configured Service Provider using SAML 2.0 on tenant and it is working properly. The option "Enable Authorization" is checked (Service Provider > Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration)

Now, I need to apply some access rules inside this tenant. Based on this, I'm creating a policy following this guide. https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS530/Configuring+Access+Control+Policy+for+a+Service+Provider

The policy created just grant or deny access based on user role.

But when I try to log in with the user we got some message: AUTHORIZATION FAILED, You are not authorized to login to this application.

I made many changes trying to achieve correct rules, but isn't working properly.

What can I do to make this work properly ?



1 Answers


Are you using a vanilla 5.3.0 dist? There is a known issue with tenants, and it is fixed now in public branch and will be available for 5.4.0. The fix is also available as an update at WUM for IS 5.3.0.