I am working on a TYPO3 project where I have to dynamically disable caching based on a condition. It is a very specific usecase, that will not happen a lot.
I planned to use a USER_INT function, where I would perform the check and disable the cache if necessary. The USER_INT function works flawlessly, it is being called on every page load.
The thing is, I can not disable the cache, or at least I do not know how.
The code, I have right now:
page = PAGE
page {
typeNum = 0
adminPanelStyles = 0
11.userFunc = [COMPANY_NAMESPACE]\PageHandler->checkCache
And in the function I perform the check:
public function checkCache($content,$conf){
global $TSFE;
$id = $TSFE->id;
//$TSFE->set_no_cache(); // <---- first I tried this one
$TSFE->no_cache=true; // <-----after a while I got despoerate and tried to disable it directly
I also tried to play with the config, it did not work. The funny thing is, if I set it directly in typoscript:
config.no_cache = 1
it works, but since the check is rather complex, I want to use PHP to determine, if the cache should be disabled.
I know I am doing something wrong, I just don't know what. Any help would be appretiated :)