
Just upgraded my MySQL RDS instance from the free-tier db.t2.micro to an db.r3.large. Same storage, same security groups, same user groups/credentials, same VPC, same endpoint name, same everything.

I was previously able to access this same instance remotely through MySQL workbench before the upgrade, and according to AWS my endpoint location has not changed.

The error message received:

Can't connect to MySQL server on 'blahblah.rds.amazonaws.com' (10060)

I've tried restarting several times. Ensured by security group allowed inbound TCP access on port 3306 for both and ::/0

What else could be wrong?

Does any one of the condition meets as described here : aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/…jeetendra Mandal
Add an inbound rule to security group for allowing connections from your machine ,add your IPjeetendra Mandal
Can you also check if you have any firewall as well configured?jeetendra Mandal
@jeetendraMandal checked these docs already - none of the conditions apply - local firewalls didn't prevent be from accessing instance before, but I will check to ensure.Alex
can you do nslookup on blahblah.rds.amazonaws.com? That is, is the address even resolvable to public IP?Felix

1 Answers


You probably need to restart the MySQL workbench, not reboot the RDS.

As I described here, the database handles have changed, but the code doesn't notice. So the MySQL workbench is using outdated handles that are being rejected.