
I'm currently working on a wordpress blog using the standard Twenty Seventeen theme. When setting a custom header image, the maximum width of the uploaded header image that is shown on any display is 2000px (larger images are resized). This, however, looks quite ugly on a 4k screen. Is there a possibility to allow for larger images when the browser width is larger than the 2000 pixels? My source image has a size of 6000 x 4000 pixels.

I appreciate your help.

What is causing it to have a maximum width?sn3ll
Wordpress apparently resizes the image once it is uploaded and then uses the resized image as header image. "cropped-DSC07020.jpg".Peter
I recall a "SKIP" option when prompted to crop the header image. Skipping should retain the original image dimensionsDuane Lortie
Sadly, in this case there is no option to skip the cropping of the image.Peter

1 Answers


You could use jQuery conditions mixed with url and if statements to achieve this you could use $(window) functions like below then you could store the image location to a variable and pass it in is the property value to change the background depending on the screen size eg:

var width = $(window).width(); 
var height = $(window).height(); 

if ((width >= 1024  ) && (height>=768)) {
     $url = 'http://mywebsite.com/files/myfile.jpg'
else {
     $url = 'http://mywebsite.com/files/default.jpg'

Then use the jQuery .css method to change the background image of the body or div you want to change for the screen size eg:

$('#myDivId').css('background-image', url);