I am working with an RDD
of x: key, y: set(values)
called file
#values: RDD of tuples (key, val)
file = values.groupByKey().mapValues(set).cache()
info_file = array(file.map(lambda (x,y): len(y)).collect())
var = np.var(info_file) #extremely high
def f():
The variance of len(y)
is extremely high, such that around 1% of the pairs' sets (verified with percentile method) makes the 20% of the total number of values in the sets total = np.sum(info_file)
If Spark partitions randomly with shuffle, there're high chances that that 1% may fall in the same partition, making unbalanced loads among workers.
Is there a way to make sure that 'heavy' tuples are euqally distributed among partitions?
I actually split the file
in two partitions, heavy
and light
, based on a threshold value of len(y)
given by threshold = np.percentile(info_file,99.9)
in order to separate this group of tuples and then re-partition.
light = file.filter(lambda (x,y): len(y) < threshold).cache()
heavy = file.filter(lambda (x,y): len(y) >= threshold).cache()
but get almost the same running time. The load might be already optimized, just want to check if I can do something more / better.