
I want to create a CSV to import it on excel, containing all the packet details shown in wireshark.

Each row should correspond to a packet and the columns to the field details.

Using the following tshark command:

tshark -r mycapturefile.cap -E -V

I can show the information I need like:

Frame 1077: 42 bytes on wire (336 bits), 42 bytes captured (336 bits)
Encapsulation type: Ethernet (1)
Arrival Time: Aug 15, 2017 14:02:27.095521000 EDT
[Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds]
Epoch Time: 1502820147.095521000 seconds

and other packet details...

What I want is that information provided with -V, so the -T fields option in wireshark is discarded. Wireshark export options also don't provide the data I need, only the pdml format, but I think is more tedius to parse.

I have searched for a tool, a script or parser with no results. Since each packet is different, make a personal parser may be difficult/tedious and considering people can extract this information but provide no sources of how to do it, there must be a method or tool that can do it.

Do you know any tool, script or method that already do this?

Thanks in advance.

What fields exactly are you interested in? All the fields from -V means ~50-100 columns depending on protocols...pchaigno
I'm interested in all files printed with the -V option. I know the number of fields depends on the type of protocol but what I want is to parse the -V output as a CSV and make an excel where the each row should correspond to a packet and the columns to the field details. All the packet details possible, in a "human readable" way. Size doesn't matter. I know I can write my own script to do it but I think there must be a way, tool or already-made parser that do thatnoex29

1 Answers


There is a ton of information coming down. You gotta use that -Y display filter to whittle it down. The resulting text can then be parsed.

Try -Y "frame.number == 1077" -V and then parse the text that is returned.

In my case I wanted certificate information.

Function GetCertsFromWireSharkPackets2 ($CERTTEXT){
foreach($Cert in($CERTTEXT|?{$_ -match "Source:.*\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.|Destination:.*\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.|Certificate:"} | %{$_.trim() -replace 'Source:','|Source:' -replace ":",'=' }) -join "`n"| %{$_.split('|')}|?{$_}) {
  $Cert|%{$Props = [regex]::matches($_,"(?sim)(?<=^).*?(?=\=)").value ; $Dups = [regex]::matches($Props,"(?sim)\b(\w+)\s+\1\b").value.split(' ') ; $values = [regex]::matches($_,"(?sim)(?<=\=).*?(?=$)").value.trim()}
  $PropsNoDups = ($Props -join "`n").replace(($Dups|select -first 1),'').split(10)|?{$_} ; 
  if(($PropsNoDups.count + $Dups.count) -ne $Props.count){$dups+=($dups|select -First 1)}
  for($X=1;$X -lt $Dups.count;$X++){$dups[$X] +=$X}
  $ValidProps = $PropsNoDups+$Dups ; $StitchCount = $Values.Count
  $ValidP_V = For($x=0;$x -lt $StitchCount;$x++){ '"'+$ValidProps[$x] + '"="' + $Values[$x] +'"'} ;$ValidP_V =($ValidP_V -join "`n")|?{$_} ; $ExpText = "New-Object psobject -Property @{`n"+$ValidP_V+"`n}"
Invoke-Expression($ExpText)|select Source, Destination, Certificate, Certificate1, Certificate2, Certificate3
} }

#Click refresh on a few browser tabs to generate traffic.

$CERTTEXT = .\tshark.exe -i 'Wi-Fi' -Y "ssl.handshake.certificate" -V -a duration:30

GetCertsFromWireSharkPackets2 $CERTTEXT

Source       : cybersandwich.com (
Destination  : KirtCarson.com (
Certificate  : 3082057e30820466a0030201020212030e2782075e8f90f5... (id-at-commonName=multi.zeall.us)
Certificate1 : 308204923082037aa00302010202100a0141420000015385... (id-at-commonName=Let's Encrypt Authority
               X3,id-at-organizationName=Let's Encrypt,id-at-countryName=US)
Certificate2 :
Certificate3 :