I have a Spring boot neo4j application and want to store users in the Neo4j database. I followed the instructions found here. The neo4j configuration is this:
public class bmConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public OpenSessionInViewInterceptor openSessionInViewInterceptor() {
OpenSessionInViewInterceptor openSessionInViewInterceptor =
new OpenSessionInViewInterceptor();
return openSessionInViewInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
public static SessionFactory sessionFactory() {
return new SessionFactory("eu.bm.domain");
public Neo4jTransactionManager transactionManager() throws Exception {
return new Neo4jTransactionManager(sessionFactory());
The user repository is this:
public interface UserRepository extends GraphRepository<User>{
@Query("MATCH (user:User) where user.name={0} return user ")
User findUser(String username);
@Query("MATCH (user:User) where user.name={0} delete user ")
User deleteUser(String username);
@Query("match (user:User) delete user")
User deleteAllUsers();
I also have this User management service setup:
public interface UserManagementService {
List<User> listAll();
User save(User user);
User findUser(String username);
which is implemented here:
public class UserManagementServiceImpl implements UserManagementService {
private UserRepository userRepository;
public UserManagementServiceImpl(UserRepository userRepository) {this.userRepository = userRepository;}
public List<User> listAll() {
List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
return users;
public User save(User user) {
return user;
public User findUser(String username) {
return userRepository.findUser(username);
I then perform a simple write-read test like this:
public class DatabaseConnectionTest {
// User 1
private static final String UNAME1 = "Paul";
private static final String EMAIL1 = "[email protected]";
private static final String PASSWORD1 = "p@ss";
private static final String USERNAME1 = "paul";
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
// Clear database before adding new user
// Creating user
User user = new User(UNAME1, USERNAME1, PASSWORD1, EMAIL1);
public void testPersistence() {
Assert.assertEquals(UNAME1, userRepository.findUser(UNAME1).getName());
Assert.assertEquals(USERNAME1, userRepository.findUser(UNAME1).getUsername());
The result of the above is this error:
2017-08-16 14:59:38.990 INFO 6496 --- [ main] e.b.repository.DatabaseConnectionTest : Started DatabaseConnectionTest in 7.131 seconds (JVM running for 8.331) 2017-08-16 14:59:39.872 INFO 6496 --- [ main] o.n.o.drivers.http.request.HttpRequest : Thread: 1, url: http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction/39, request: {"statements":[{"statement":"UNWIND {rows} as row CREATE (n:
) SET n=row.props RETURN row.nodeRef as ref, ID(n) as id, row.type as type","parameters":{"rows":[{"nodeRef":-1821370276,"type":"node","props":{"password":"p@ss","name":"Paul","email":"[email protected]","username":"paul"}}]},"resultDataContents":["row"],"includeStats":false}]} 2017-08-16 14:59:40.358 ERROR 6496 --- [ main] o.s.d.n.t.Neo4jTransactionManager : Commit exception overridden by rollback exceptionorg.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Transaction is not current for this thread; nested exception is org.neo4j.ogm.exception.TransactionManagerException: Transaction is not current for this thread
- Why does userRepository.save(user) creates the record in the database but throws the exception?
- What does "Transaction is not current for this thread" excactly mean?
- Why does userRepository.save(user) ultimately failes but userRepository.deleteAllUsers() works?
edit: My dependencies.gradle includes the following:
compile group: 'org.springframework.boot', name: 'spring-boot-starter-data-neo4j', version: '1.5.6.RELEASE'
//compile group: 'org.springframework.data', name: 'spring-data-neo4j', version: '4.2.6.RELEASE'
compile group: 'org.neo4j', name: 'neo4j-ogm-core', version: '2.1.3'
//compile group: 'org.neo4j', name: 'neo4j-ogm-bolt-driver', version: '2.1.3'
runtime group: 'org.neo4j', name: 'neo4j-ogm-http-driver', version: '2.1.3'
compile group: 'org.springframework.boot', name: 'spring-boot-starter-actuator', version: '1.5.4.RELEASE'
- which you have, so for some reason it is not working. – František Hartman