I want to know if I can setup altbeacon uuid, major and minor with altbeacon library for any beacon hardware that support altbeacon layout. I haven't seen this information in any place. Because of operational reasons, I need to set them up remotely, with open source software. All of them are proprietary. I am looking for an open source solution for set them up. Any help or information would be apreciate it.This question is related to altbeacon, because I couldn't find a non property solution for ibeacons.
2 Answers
Altbeacon is 'old' and not used so much now. In any case, it sends out a URL, not unique id(s). You should instead look into Eddystone if you really don't want to use iBeacon. All beacons just use 'standard' Bluetooth advertising so there's nothing to stop you designing your own Bluetooth advertising payload. There's an overview of advertising at BeaconZone.
The Android Beacon Library does not provide a SDK for configuring beacon identifiers. Unfortunately this is not possible because every beacon manufacturer has a different way of configuring their beacons, and the mechanisms are often proprietary and does not have a published API.
The open source AltBeacon standard is supported by a wide variety of beacon hardware manufacturers. However, there is simply no standard way of configuring the identifiers. You must follow manufacturer instructions.