I'm creating a web application using the latest version of ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3. I just concern in XSS attack. I figure out in ASP.NET Core is perfectly working protecting from this attack the XSS and this framework totally amazing but it lacked third party I need to my project. Here's my concern. I already enabled the custom error too but I disabled it currently for testing.
But I want to make sure this will catch also.
- Input Validation is passed. To avoid this exception or error.
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Name="").
using, the [AllowHtml] attribute this is fine or using the AntiXss library.
But, from the URL. Example URLs,
this error should like,
A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (<).
So my solution is enabling this from Web.config then it works!
But Troy Hunt said from his tutorial this is not a good or better practice for this error. So I decided to look the best solution from this XSS attack.