
I have a raster stack with 26 layers that represent different weeks of the year. Within this area there are 854 irregularly shaped polygons that I am interested in summary values for (mean and sd), for each of the layers.

I believe that I have successfully extracted these values. However, when I try to merge them back with the polygon file, I am unsuccessful. I believe that the extract() function has stripped the values of their identifying criteria (Name_2). I tried converting the "Large list" output from the extract() function into a data frame, but that didn't work either.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Brazil0 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=0)
Brazil1 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=1)
Brazil2 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=2)

MinasGerais<-subset(Brazil2, NAME_1 =='Minas Gerais')
e <- extent(MinasGerais) 
MG <- as(Brazil2[Brazil2$NAME_1 == 'Minas Gerais',], 'SpatialPolygons') 
row.names(MG) <- as.character(1:length(MG))

setwd("H:/Brazilian Arbovirus Project/ratsers_EpiWeek")
Precip_2017 <- stack("Precip_2017.tif")

Precip_crop <- crop(Precip_2017, e, snap="out")  
crop<- setValues(Precip_crop, NA) 
Precip_raster <- rasterize(MinasGerais, crop)   
Precip_MG<- mask(x=Precip_crop, mask=Precip_raster)

MG_Municip_mean_2 <- extract(Precip_MG, 


MG_1 <- merge( MinasGerais, MG_Municip_mean_2, by='NAME_2', all=TRUE)
writeOGR(MG_1, getwd(), "MG_Municipalities", driver="ESRI Shapefile", 
When you say you "believe you have extracted these values", have you confirmed this by debugging the code, or are you just assuming it works?FluffyKitten
can you add some example data using dput (of Precip_2017) ore create similar data? which packages are you using?minem

1 Answers


For this kind of calculation I prefer to rasterize polygons rather than use extract(), it's really easy to use this approach for multilayer rasters.

With a reproducible example:


Brazil0 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=0)
Brazil1 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=1)
Brazil2 <- getData('GADM', country='BRA', level=2)


r <- raster(ext = extent(Brazil0@bbox))

rList <- list()

for(i in 1:26){
  rList[[i]] <- setValues(r,values = rnorm(n = ncell(r)))

rs <- stack(rList)

The code above create a multilayer raster with random values, now it's time to rasterize and create a data.frame to made calculations:

B0r <- rasterize(Brazil0,r,'OBJECTID')
B1r <- rasterize(Brazil1,r,'OBJECTID')
B2r <- rasterize(Brazil2,r,'OBJECTID')

df <- as.data.frame(stack(B0r,B1r,B2r,rs))

names(df)[1:3] <- paste0('level',0:2)

names(df)[4:29] <- paste0('week',1:26)

I'll use Brazil2 polygons for this example, in this case there are polygons smallest than 1 pixel, so not all polygons will have information (maybe you're working with a better spatial resolution). Using dplyr package, you can compute easily any kind of formula for each polygon and merge back to the attributes table:

# example for level2

Brazil2@data <- df %>% select(-c(level0,level1)) %>% group_by(level2) %>%
  summarise_each(funs(mean(., na.rm = TRUE),sd(., na.rm = TRUE))) %>%

##   OBJECTID ID_0 ISO NAME_0 ID_1 NAME_1 ID_2          NAME_2 HASC_2 CCN_2 CCA_2    TYPE_2    ENGTYPE_2
## 1        1   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    1      Acrelândia           NA       Município Municipality
## 2        2   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    2    Assis Brazil           NA       Município Municipality
## 3        3   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    3       Brasiléia           NA       Município Municipality
## 4        4   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    4          Bujari           NA       Município Municipality
## 5        5   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    5        Capixaba           NA       Município Municipality
## 6        6   33 BRA Brazil    1   Acre    6 Cruzeiro do Sul           NA       Município Municipality
##   NL_NAME_2 VARNAME_2  week1_mean  week2_mean week3_mean  week4_mean week5_mean  week6_mean  week7_mean
## 1                      0.02799743  0.65684118 0.18032148  0.15386044  0.5635764  0.13131793  0.66844905
## 2                      0.62831026 -0.46710306 0.56323394  0.16482915 -0.1190538 -0.42822608  0.11841901
## 3                     -0.04441109  0.30017178 0.24697659 -0.44659707  0.1560986  0.08040939  0.11568072
## 4                      0.04773195 -0.18690385 0.03840785 -0.06729135  0.3124202 -0.04866495 -0.38620625
## 5                     -0.18407894  0.21761910 0.30628065  0.11929847 -0.5596950 -0.45436160  0.34162667
## 6                     -0.31508001 -0.07326906 0.19979837 -0.07487962  0.2475976  0.13038549  0.08667631
##    week8_mean  week9_mean week10_mean week11_mean week12_mean week13_mean week14_mean week15_mean
## 1  0.29398763 -0.42470630 -0.39871869 -0.11133687 -0.11600877  0.04953248   0.2538490  -0.6387728
## 2  0.43123080 -0.19684622 -0.52333000  0.48386358  0.30651641  0.02512788  -0.0629341  -0.3729230
## 3 -0.36615371  0.26210474 -0.30212885 -0.15083871 -0.07095279 -0.11673077  -0.4448210   0.2400551
## 4 -0.12058451 -0.07914649  0.07276792  0.08345732 -0.17132937 -0.25823307  -0.1630691  -0.3555612
## 5 -1.28023743 -0.43201474 -0.92807227  0.32306609  0.76073801  0.50142559   0.7291509   0.6027042
## 6  0.08928839 -0.23224347  0.10913390  0.35135734  0.04670324  0.09490760   0.3855241   0.1820617
##   week16_mean week17_mean week18_mean  week19_mean week20_mean week21_mean week22_mean week23_mean
## 1  0.62806442 -0.23251001  0.41445121 -0.357856979  0.06260211  0.25732954 -0.08781137  0.33854357
## 2 -0.45495979 -0.05871667 -0.09732541 -0.131669502 -0.08885639 -0.48216217 -0.11940655 -0.52798951
## 3  0.31939261 -0.19266620  0.08671799  0.241000093  0.14864434  0.07044010  0.47460312  0.07706955
## 4  0.08420384 -0.35656266 -0.18245677  0.008064379  0.07319371  0.09271722 -0.13242697  0.29805436
## 5  0.62892059 -0.07006391  0.41960685  0.167582501  0.10296624  0.07797158  0.03335396  0.20283157
## 6  0.26078806  0.16028080  0.31722646 -0.166467152  0.25832317 -0.13020199 -0.05083594 -0.07325540
##   week24_mean week25_mean week26_mean  week1_sd  week2_sd  week3_sd  week4_sd  week5_sd  week6_sd
## 1   1.0375927  0.05829013 -0.08900512 0.5039079 0.7364619 0.6436874 1.1242115 0.8373088 1.2155468
## 2   0.5672509  0.44157869 -0.45395791 0.6429615 0.6969150 1.2544599 1.1263861 0.8122241 0.9647385
## 3  -0.3314678 -0.16537211  0.27106228 1.2177288 0.7593655 0.9915033 1.0651381 0.8324841 1.1640994
## 4   0.0992971  0.46187201  0.19528712 1.0670819 0.5727231 0.9797493 0.9037118 1.1892758 0.6578113
## 5  -0.5825252 -0.24512778  0.48153479 1.3876316 1.0093498 0.6523201 0.6672334 0.2975399 0.6660514
## 6  -0.1356949 -0.11380037 -0.07519057 0.8528147 1.0521164 0.6692769 0.9140993 1.1120830 0.9439429
##    week7_sd  week8_sd  week9_sd week10_sd week11_sd week12_sd week13_sd week14_sd week15_sd week16_sd
## 1 1.0242434 1.0283737 0.7440292 0.7977511 0.5330551 1.1060657 1.0586667 0.9557767 1.2021589 0.8015805
## 2 0.8650897 1.1318929 0.7925099 0.8416769 0.6735254 1.2130762 1.1684757 1.4122850 1.1372183 1.2514929
## 3 1.0337027 0.9709125 0.7129832 0.7574105 1.3073536 0.8376609 1.1161002 0.8083519 1.2163283 0.9789011
## 4 0.7550593 0.6019020 1.0640847 1.1187340 0.9331608 0.9246086 1.0412971 0.9577963 1.0302680 0.8863142
## 5 1.2286351 0.8620402 0.5704018 1.5840274 0.8929725 0.6766018 0.4504001 0.4747059 0.6959029 1.8061449
## 6 1.1981396 1.0422314 1.0996494 0.7749073 0.7755682 1.2341215 0.9699409 0.8534397 0.8832001 1.1267263
##   week17_sd week18_sd week19_sd week20_sd week21_sd week22_sd week23_sd week24_sd week25_sd week26_sd
## 1 1.7168281 1.3058866 0.7613507 1.4192652 1.0980767 0.5848721 1.1768701 1.2879231 1.1683099 0.8173507
## 2 0.8853379 1.2223339 1.0174595 0.8165643 0.7453179 1.4108344 1.4206444 1.0326178 0.5363038 1.1400113
## 3 0.7980645 1.2271442 1.1425325 0.9385259 1.1597657 1.0255039 1.1598827 0.7623564 0.7854232 0.8780667
## 4 0.9595817 1.1212473 0.8296976 1.1852795 1.2297023 1.0755448 1.0810457 0.8593361 1.0980879 0.7695382
## 5 1.3182950 0.4643851 0.8796118 1.0272719 0.6404252 0.4710161 0.5726681 0.6737512 1.3994816 1.0740231
## 6 1.1344667 0.9216528 1.3398224 0.7941615 1.2181886 1.1101733 1.0151286 1.3209190 1.0377582 1.0426156