
Unsure why the following request is erroring as follows:

Error processing request stream. The request should be a valid top-level resource object.

The request (certain details have been obfuscated for obvious reasons):

POST http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/someSet HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 387
Host: someUrl.com

    "paymentid": {
        "Id": "00e3f661-8d28-e321-896e-00155dfd1d05",
        "LogicalName": "payment"
    "invoiceid": {
        "Id": "00e3f661-8d28-e411-896e-00155dfd1d05",
        "LogicalName": "invoice"
    "AppliedAmount": 1317.53000,
    "name": "Payment Applied",
    "postingstatus": "Posted",
    "transactioncurrencyid": {
        "Id": "80870a9b-329e-d421-8a22-00155d025001",
        "LogicalName": "transactionCurrency"

All logical names have been derived from running the following query:

    BaseTableName = 'paymentbase' -- | invoicebase | transactioncurrencybase
Recommend you to compose & test in CRM REST builderArun Vinoth
Does navigating to http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/someSet work?Aron
There is no entity with the name /someSet. The url of the request must contain the logical name of an existing CRM entity. (The name is case sensitive!)Henk van Boeijen
@Aron that url resolves with no issuespim
@HenkvanBoeijen another Dutchman! I believe you've identified the issue. I will test and ping back shortly.pim

1 Answers


Summary: use the OrganizationData.svc/someSet url to get a list of the existing entities, providing perfect reference to the necessary JSON structure (minus _metaData properties)

So the problem ended up being quite simple.

The entity someSet was not the problem, as denoted by being able to access http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/someSet with no issues.

Drilling further into things it was the inner Logical Entity's (payment, invoice, transactioncurrency). As mentioned these logical names were derived from the database, which matched the entity settings page (image below).

enter image description here

However, all of the following urls would not resolve:

  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/paymentSet
  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/invoiceSet
  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/transactionCurrencySet

The problem was that despite being lowercase in all places where you'd find the logical name of an entity, the first letter actually needed to be capitalized like:

  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/PaymentSet
  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/InvoiceSet
  • http://someUrl.com/someUrl/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData‌​.svc/TransactionCurrencySet

And the working payload:

    "paymentid": {
        "Id": "00e3f661-8d28-e321-896e-00155dfd1d05",
        "LogicalName": "Payment"
    "invoiceid": {
        "Id": "00e3f661-8d28-e411-896e-00155dfd1d05",
        "LogicalName": "Invoice"
    "AppliedAmount": 1317.53000,
    "name": "Payment Applied",
    "postingstatus": "Posted",
    "TransactionCurrencyId": {
        "Id": "80870a9b-329e-d421-8a22-00155d025001",
        "LogicalName": "TransactionCurrency"