What is the correct Docker image to use when creating a new ASP.NET Core MVC app, specifically with the React/Redux (or other Node.js required) template? If not a specific image, what commands or process should be followed in the Dockerfile for a Node.js app backed by ASP.NET Core MVC?
I don't require the SDK version of the framework for anything other than running the backing MVC site.
dotnet new reactredux
The runtime image does not have Node.js installed, and will error when trying to run the container.
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:latest
ARG source=./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/publish/
COPY $source .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "Project.dll"]
Unhandled Exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Failed to start Node process. To resolve this:.
[1] Ensure that Node.js is installed and can be found in one of the PATH directories.
Current PATH enviroment variable is: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Make sure the Node executable is in one of those directories, or update your PATH.
The project I am working with is being upgraded from ASP.NET MVC for .NET Standard 1.1 (standalone), to a new .NET Standard 2.0 React/Redux project.
dotnet new reactredux
template, which creates an ASP.NET MVC application, in which the default route serves the React app. – falquandotnet new template
. – falquan