I have a WPF DataGrid that is bound to a list of objects. The data being displayed is basically a table of flight arrivals & departures by each hour of the day.
The XAML for the datagrid is:
<DataGrid Name="TrafficGrid" Margin="20,10,10,0" Grid.Row="1" Height="550"
Background="Beige" RowBackground="Beige"
The object declaration is:
public class fltgridCell
public int cellValue { get; set; }
public int highlight { get; set; }
The list declaration is:
public List<fltgridRow> fltrowsList = new List<fltgridRow>();
public class fltgridRow
public string hour { get; set; }
public fltgridCell cmclDep { get; set; } = new fltgridCell() {cellValue = 0, highlight = 0};
public fltgridCell cmclArr { get; set; } = new fltgridCell( ) { cellValue = 0, highlight = 0 };
public fltgridCell corpDep { get; set; } = new fltgridCell( ) { cellValue = 0, highlight = 0 };
public fltgridCell corpArr { get; set; } = new fltgridCell( ) { cellValue = 0, highlight = 0 };
public fltgridCell gaDep { get; set; } = new fltgridCell( ) { cellValue = 0, highlight = 0 };
public fltgridCell gaArr { get; set; } = new fltgridCell( ) { cellValue = 0, highlight = 0 };
After I retrieve the count of each type of flight from the database and populate fltrowsList , I bind to the grid: TrafficGrid.ItemsSource = fltrowsList;
I want to find the max and min values for each class of flight, and then highlight those two cells in the column. However, I am stumped as to how to iterate through each column of the datagrid and find the max and min values. Have tried several approaches similar to the following (iterate down a column), but none work.
for ( nCol = 1; nCol < 13; nCol++ )
for ( nRow = 0; nRow < 24; nRow++ )
var rr = TrafficGrid.Columns[nCol].GetCellContent(TrafficGrid.CurrentCell(nRow) );
Maybe I am not thinking of this in the right way. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.