Suppose the following case:
hold on
MATLAB will plot the 3 lines, each with a default color (e.g. red, blue, yellow).
Now, as the second plot is shorter, I want to do the following:
hold on
plot(11:20,rand(1,10),'color',get(pl,'color') ...
However while the 3rd plot does indeed have the color of the second plot, the 4th plot has the 4th default color, not the 3rd. It appears that MATLAB will update the index of the next default color order regardless if it is using it or not.
While I am aware that I can do get(groot,'DefaultAxesColorOrder')
to get all the default colors and then set each of the plots properties to the index I want, I was wondering if there is a way of telling MATLAB "hey, for the next plot, do not update that default color index"