I have one dataframe:
val groupby = df.groupBy($"column1",$"Date")
When applyin the window function for adding new column difference:
val windowspec= Window.partitionBy("column1").orderBy(desc("DATE"))
groupby.withColumn("diffrence" ,lead($"amount", 1,0).over(windowspec)).show()
| Column | Date | Amount | Difference |
| A | 3/31/2017 | 12345.45 | 3456.540000000000000000 |
| A | 2/28/2017 | 3456.54 | 34289.430000000000000000 |
| A | 1/31/2017 | 34289.43 | 45673.987000000000000000 |
| A | 12/31/2016 | 45673.987 | 0.00E+00 |
I'm getting decimal as with trailing zeros .When I did printSchema()
for the above dataframe getting the datatype for difference: decimal(38,18)
.Can some one tell me how to change the datatype to decimal(38,2)
or remove the trailing zeros