
AS we know Jmeter have 2 mode to run test plans: single and master-slave mode

in single mode Jmeter summary report listener will collect min, max, stddev, error%,etc data and write in a file..

but in master-slave mode, these information are record by master server, and I have checked the Jmeter summary report codes, I can't understand which extends, methods or which codes make Jmeter slave servers can communicate with master server to let master server record these data, same question in Simple Data Writer listener.

So, can anyone help on this question, thank you very much!


1 Answers


Jmeter's slave communicate with master thanks to Java RMI. For this reason you need to start RMI registry before test. Since version 2.3.1 you don't need to do it manually, Jmeter server wil, take care of this.