I managed to make it work with the following code, (I collected it from somewhere else & no longer can remember from where)
var $select2 = $('#currency-converter-currencies').select2({
templateSelection: template,
width: '100%'
}).val({!! $setting->convert_currencies !!}).trigger('change');
// cache order of initial values
var defaults = $select2.select2('data');
defaults.forEach(function (obj) {
var order = $select2.data('preserved-order') || [];
order[order.length] = obj.text;
$select2.data('preserved-order', order);
function select2_renderSelections($select2) {
var order = $select2.data('preserved-order') || [];
var $container = $select2.next('.select2-container');
var $tags = $container.find('li.select2-selection__choice');
var $input = $tags.last().next();
// apply tag order
order.forEach(function (val) {
var $el = $tags.filter(function (i, tag) {
return $(tag).data('data').id === val;
function selectionHandler(e) {
var $select2 = $(this);
var val = e.params.data.id;
var order = $select2.data('preserved-order') || [];
switch (e.type) {
case 'select2:select':
order[order.length] = val;
case 'select2:unselect':
var found_index = order.indexOf(val);
if (found_index >= 0) order.splice(found_index, 1);
$select2.data('preserved-order', order); // store it for later
$select2.on('select2:select select2:unselect', selectionHandler);
* Put select option's value instead on text in select box
* @param data
* @param container
function template(data, container) {
return data.id;
Here we replacing original Select2 values with our filtered values using the "template" function.
This shouldn't be the permanent fix, Consider it as a temporary fix because of the way this programmed.
Hope this will help someone else in the future