
I am trying to send data of type ArrayBuffer in json to my server using socket.io like this:

socket.emit('record', {
       name: myUsername + '.wav',
       data: data //arraybuffer

On server side, when i receive 'record' event in socket, I get the data from JSON and save it in name file like this:

socket.on('record', function(message){
      var fileWriter = new wav.FileWriter(message.name, {
        channels: 1,
        sampleRate: 48000,
        bitDepth: 16

I am using require('wav') & require('stream') package from npm. The problem is that my server crashes on message.data.pipe(fileWriter); with this error:

TypeError: message.data.pipe is not a function

What am I doing wrong? Can't i send ArrayBuffer like this in socket.io?

Call .pipe() chained to the stream instance, not the ArrayBuffer message.dataguest271314

1 Answers


data is an ArrayBuffer, not a ReadableStream. Enqueue data to be read by a ReadableStream, passed to a WritableStream or TransformStream, for example using .pipeThrough(), see Receiving data via stdin and storing as a variable/array.