So there are many websites out there that explain how to customize your own google form(linked to a google sheet) for your website, such as codepen and this blog.
However, none that I have found so far explained how to deal with Google forms that have an 'other-option-response' option, like this: my example with other gender
I have successfully worked out how to deal with google forms that do not include this on their forms (since their responses show up on their corresponding Google sheets). However, I am stumped when it comes to this feature, since I am able to submit the form, but no response shows up in the google sheet.
Here is the snippet of code that may be causing me trouble.
<label>Student's Gender:</label><br>
<input name="entry.1921054985" type="radio" value="Male" required style="color: black;" onclick="document.getElementById('genderother').disabled=true;
document.getElementById('genderother').value=''" />Male<br>
<input name="entry.1921054985" type="radio" value="Female" style="color: black;" onclick="document.getElementById('genderother').disabled=true;
document.getElementById('genderother').value=''" />Female<br>
<input name="entry.1921054985" type="radio" value="__other_option__" style="color: black;" onclick="document.getElementById('genderother').disabled=false;
document.getElementById('genderother').focus();" />Other:
<input name="entry.1921054985.other_option_response" type="text" placeholder="Enter if applicable" style="color:black;" id="genderother" disabled/>
I am wondering if my way is the correct way of dealing with the 'other' response.
This is my first question on stackoverflow, so if I've done something wrong, or didn't do something, please tell me.