
My app support Traditional Chinese and English
Now I set my device language as Japanese
Well... In iPhone everything is fine, but iPad localization failed

If I set text used code, it show English when app running
Since app doesn't support Japanese it use English as default language

theLabel.text = NSLocalizedString("theKey", tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle.main, value: "", comment: "")

But if I set text used xib localize
xib base file↓
enter image description here

// English String
"fKW-21-ZWh.placeholder" = "Please fill in your skype ID";
"hyL-A7-fx9.placeholder" = "Please fill in your paypal ...";

// Chinese String
"fKW-21-ZWh.placeholder" = "請填入你的skype";
"hyL-A7-fx9.placeholder" = "請填入你的paypal";

it shows Chinese text when app running
I hope it can use English as default language
do I missing something?

What I did

TARGET -> Info -> Localization native development region = United States    
TARGET -> Info -> Localizations = [English, Chinese(traditional)]    
PROJECT -> Localizations = [Chinese, English - Development Laanguage]  

Delete DerivedData, APP
Clean Project
restart computer

enter image description here

Edit I found a Apple tech QA, link
the language that app used is depend on user language preferences


1 Answers


Just select your storyboard/xib, go to File Inspector. In the Localization section, you can tick the language you want.

enter image description here