
Given X with dimensions (m samples, n sequences, and k features), and y labels with dimensions (m samples, 0/1):

Suppose I want to train a stateful LSTM (going by keras definition, where "stateful = True" means that cell states are not reset between sequences per sample -- please correct me if I'm wrong!), are states supposed to be reset on a per epoch basis or per sample basis?


for e in epoch:
    for m in X.shape[0]:          #for each sample
        for n in X.shape[1]:      #for each sequence
            #train_on_batch for model...
            #model.reset_states()  (1) I believe this is 'stateful = False'?
        #model.reset_states()      (2) wouldn't this make more sense?
    #model.reset_states()          (3) This is what I usually see...

In summary, I am not sure if to reset states after each sequence or each epoch (after all m samples are trained in X).

Advice is much appreciated.


1 Answers


If you use stateful=True, you would typically reset the state at the end of each epoch, or every couple of samples. If you want to reset the state after each sample, then this would be equivalent to just using stateful=False.

Regarding the loops you provided:

for e in epoch:
    for m in X.shape[0]:          #for each sample
        for n in X.shape[1]:      #for each sequence

note that the dimension of X are not exactly

 (m samples, n sequences, k features)

The dimension is actually

(batch size, number of timesteps, number of features)

Hence, you are not supposed to have the inner loop:

for n in X.shape[1]

Now, regarding the loop

for m in X.shape[0]

since the enumeration over batches is done in keras automatically, you don't have to implement this loop as well (unless you want to reset the states every couple of samples). So if you want to reset only at the end of each epoch, you need only the external loop.

Here is an example of such architecture (taken from this blog post):

batch_size = 1
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(16, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, X.shape[1], X.shape[2]), stateful=True))
model.add(Dense(y.shape[1], activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
for i in range(300):
    model.fit(X, y, epochs=1, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=2, shuffle=False)