I Have two Models in my odoo moduel Model_2 have a One2many field point on Model_1 I want to create un function in Model_2, this function searche some objects from model_1 then create a object from Model_2, and add le search result to this object
class Model_2(models.Model):
_name = 'mymodule.model_2'
_description = 'Model_2
model_2_ids = fields.One2many('mymodule.model_1', 'model_1_id')
def my_function(self):
model_1_objects = self.env['mymodule.model_1'].search()
self.create({'model_2_ids': model_1_objects})
I Have an error in the last line of my code I want to add model_1_objects to the created object, How can I do this ?