I'm trying to setup an a cordova plugin for iOS which implements the webrtc functions without using any server and it will only be used on a local network. I know there is this plugin, which looks promising but i have some problems with it. My plan is not to use a TRUN, STUN or any kind of signaling server.
Maybe you think right now: "Ok this is not possible. No signaling equals no connection." But let me explain first. As pointed out here and here it's possible to avoid using a TRUN, STUN or ICE server. I think this is a good way to start my project but there is still an open question. How shall the devices find each other if there isn't any kind signaling (in the example they use a Node.js server)? Right now i'm playing with the idea of an QR-Code which contains all the necessary information.
At the end it should look like this (black arrwos are more important):
The idea is that everyone who comes into a room has to scan a QR-Code on the RP and then the device knows the IP, port, etc. of the RP and a WebRTC connection with a DataChannel will be established.
I've been looking for an answer for days now, but due to the fact (or at least one of the reasons) that WebRTC is not even supported on iOS nativly there aren't many WebRTC examples out there which work on iOS and no one for a local network.
So my question is: Am I on the right way or is this not even possible? (I found no example for this anywhere, but if I put all the posts I read together, I think it should be possible.)