I'm using TypeScript to automate E2E Test. If I do something such as
it work well.
However, if I put it in a Promise chain, my IDE highlights the text .all
and says that "ElementArrayFinder is not assignable".
TS2345:Argument of type '() => ElementArrayFinder' is not assignable to parameter of type '(value: {}) => any[] | ElementFinder[] | IThenable'. Type 'ElementArrayFinder' is not assignable to type 'any[] | ElementFinder[] | IThenable'. Type 'ElementArrayFinder' is not assignable to type 'IThenable'. Property 'cancel' is missing in type 'ElementArrayFinder'.
getAllHeader() {
let self = this;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let textArr = [];
browser.executeScript('arguments[0].scrollIntoView()', self.getWebElement())
.then(function () {
return self.all(by.xpath(".//thead/tr/th|.//thead/tr/td"))
.then(function (eleArr) {
.catch(function (reason) {