
I'm using Azure Data Factory to copy data from Azure Data Lake Store to a collection in Cosmos DB. We will have a few thousand JSON files in data lake and each JSON file is approx. 3 GB. I'm using data factory's copy activity and in the initial run, one file took 3.5 hours to load with the collection set to 10000 RU/s and data factory using default settings. Now I've scaled it up to 50000 RU/s, set cloudDataMovementUnits to 32 and writeBatchSize to 10 to see if it improved the speed, and the same file now takes 2.5 hours to load. Still the time to load thousands of files will take way to long time.

Is there some way to do this in a better way?

Are you saying that you're attempting to load single documents into Cosmos that are GB in size? The maximum size of a document in Cosmos is 2MBJesse Carter
No, sorry if I was unclear. Each file contains millions of JSON documents. The JSON documents contain location data and we need to do spatial calculations, which is why we chose Cosmos DB.Magnus Johannesson

2 Answers


You say you are inserting "millions" of json documents per 3Gb batch file. Such lack of precision is not helpful when asking this type of question.

Let's run the numbers for 10 million docs per file.

  • This indicates 300 bytes per json doc which implies quite a lot of fields per doc to index on each CosmosDb insert.

  • If each insert costs 10 RUs then at your budgeted 10,000 RU per sec the doc insert rate would be 1000 x 3600 (seconds per hour) = 3.6 million doc inserts per hour.

  • So your observation of 3.5 hours to insert 3 Gb of data representing an assumed 10 million docs is highly consistent with your purchased CosmosDb throughput.

This document https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/data-factory-copy-activity-performance illustrates that the DataLake to CosmosDb Cloud Sink performs poorly compared to other options. I guess the poor performance can be attributed to the default index-everything policy of CosmosDb.

Does your application need everything indexed? Does the CommosDb Cloud Sink utilise less strict eventual consistency when performing bulk inserts?

You ask, is there a better way? The performance table in the linked MS document shows that Data Lake to Polybase Azure Data Warehouse is 20,000 times more performant.

One final thought. Does the increased concurrency of your second test trigger CosmosDb throttling? The MS performance doc warns about monitoring for these events.


The bottom line is that trying to copy millions of Json files will take time. If it was organized GB of data you could get away with shorter time batch transfers but not with millions of different files.

I don't know if you plan on transferring this type of file from Data Lake often but a good strategy could be to write an application dedicated to do that. Using Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB Client Library you can easily create a C# web app that manages your transfers.

This way you can automate those transfers, throttle them, schedule them, etc. You can also host this app on a vm or app service and never really have to think about it.