
I have AWS Lambda functions working fine with Cognito authenticated users.

I am now trying to get unauthenticated Cognito users going.

I cannot find any way at the back end to determine if the current user that called the Lambda function is authenticated or unauthenticated.

The identifying information that I have about the user is their Cognito IdentityId but how can I use that to find out of unauthenticated?

I'm using Python boto3.6 in Lambda.


1 Answers


check this http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/cognito-identity.html#CognitoIdentity.Client.describe_identity

you get the logins if it is a auth user. never used it, but I think that is the way to know

EDIT: From OP: yes this is correct - the important thing is that the absence of the key "Logins" in the returned value means that the user is unauthenticated.

res = client2.describe_identity(
if ('Logins' not in res.keys()):
    return True
    return False