
I had to change the color and icon of the title bar, so I used custom window. But in this way, I have to create my own window control buttons(minimize, maximize, restore, close). I want to use the native ones like the thing that Microsoft Office and Google Chrome did. How should I do?


enter image description here


enter image description here

I did this a few years ago in WPF. IIRC the icons Windows uses are just characters in the Wingdings font (I think). If you run charmap and look at the various symbol fonts hopefully that will point you in the right direction.Andy
But there is no symbol like the restore button.(Two squares, one covers another one.) How did chrome make it?IvanaGyro
Depends on the options available on the custom control... you could alter the controls code but more than likely they already coded some parameter to toggle from your side - whats the name of the library?JohnChris
I did this for work, and I'm off this week. When I get back in to the office, I'll try to remember to look up how I did it and let you know.Andy

1 Answers


There is no easy way to just use the default chrome buttons as-is in a custom window I am afraid.

But you could quite easily create your own ones using the Segoe MDL2 Assets font:

What is the font family of the close/minimize/reduce button in Windows 10?

Show default window buttons on WPF Window using WindowChrome