This is more math question but I think it's not for math section.
I render this boxes with numbers centered in it.
The whole width of the box is 350px
I have min and max number like 0-11
and I divide 350/11
to get each box width.
Bellow this I have a slider that is also 350px
width and thumb in it is 14px
What I want is that thumb position is always centered on number in a box above it.
Middle number is fine it is always in center of the thumb, but as I go left or right number is not centered any more and more.
How I can calculate position for number inside box based on width values?
What is a / the "thumb"?
– meowgoesthedog
Thumb on the slider:
– 1110
Are you sure you want to change the position of the text inside each sub-box instead of scaling the box width itself?
– meowgoesthedog
I mean it's whatever to me I am trying just to center thumb and it's number. Like on this image:
– 1110
1 Answers
To calculate the total box width from the slider parameters:
box_width = (slider_width - slider_track_width) * num_sub_boxes / (num_sub_boxes - 1)
In your case box_width = 350px, num_sub_boxes = 11
. You can invert the formula if you want to set the slider width from a fixed box width instead:
slider_width = (1 - 1 / num_sub_boxes) * box_width + slider_track_width
Note that the slider thumb size has no relevance (I think anyway - let me know if I'm wrong).