I have a standard Debian 8.9 instance on google cloud compute (GCE) where my startup script is ignored.
In the custom metadata field, for startup-script, I am trying to run an Rscript (which is used for batch execution of R files), followed by a system shutdown, with the following:
#! /bin/bash
sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R
sudo shutdown -h now
Starting the instance is immediately followed by a shutdown and the Rscript is ignored. Removing the last line to shutdown causes the GCE instance to start, but the Rscript to be ignored. Running just "sudo /usr/bin/Rscript /home/myuser/launch_script.R" from the terminal results in the script being run. It has a chmod of 755, so I don't think this is a permissions issue.
In addition to this problem, I have read elsewhere that logging should happen in /var/log/, but there is nothing there. Instead, I have a bunch of log files (that only contain the start-up script and nothing else) in the root of my instance: