I understand the basis of collision detection and have developed my way (as far as I know) for collision detection. However, it does not seem to be working. What I have done is instead of drawing full rectangles around sprites, shapes, and other objects, I simply made methods that draw lines (very thin rectangles) on all sides of the object, left, right, top, and bottom.
The methods that draw the thin rectangles on the left,right,top, and bottom of the specified sprites. This is probably not the best way to do collision, but this is what I have, and am open to all ideas and different solutions!
Note: The(int)(x-Game.getCamera().getX()),(int)(y + height -Game.getCamera().getY()), is simply for the camera, so when the player moves, the trees (in my case the object I want to collide with) do not move with him
public Rectangle getBounds() {
return new Rectangle((int)(x-Game.getCamera().getX()),
(int)(y + height - Game.getCamera().getY()),width,height-height);
public Rectangle getBoundsTop() {
return new Rectangle((int)(x-Game.getCamera().getX()),
(int)(y- Game.getCamera().getY()),width,height-height);
public Rectangle getBoundsRight() {
return new Rectangle((int)(x + width -Game.getCamera().getX()),
(int)(y - Game.getCamera().getY()),width - width,height);
public Rectangle getBoundsLeft() {
return new Rectangle((int)(x -Game.getCamera().getX()),
(int)(y- Game.getCamera().getY()),width - width,height);
Actual collision CHECKING (in player class)-
if(getBounds().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsTop())) {
//What happens when they collide
//When the bottom of the player collides with the top of the tree.
if(getBoundsTop().intersects(treeTile.getBounds())) {
//What happens when they collide
//When the top of the player collides with the bottom of the tree
if(getBoundsRight().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsLeft())) {
//What happens when they collide
//when the right side of the player collides with the left of the
if(getBoundsLeft().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsRight())) {
//What happens when they collide
//When the left of the player collides with the right of the tree
I appreciate all the help I can get
Here is collision and movement code-
for (int i = 0; i < handler.object.size(); i++) {
Square handle = handler.object.get(i);
if (getBounds().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsTop())) {
if (getBoundsTop().intersects(treeTile.getBounds())) {
if (getBoundsRight().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsLeft())) {
if (getBoundsLeft().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsRight())) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
int code = e.getKeyCode();
for (int i = 0; i < handler.object.size(); i++) {
Square handle = handler.object.get(i);
if (handle.getId() == ObjectId.Zelda) {
if (code == KeyEvent.VK_D) {
if (code == KeyEvent.VK_A) {
if (code == KeyEvent.VK_W) {
if (code == KeyEvent.VK_S) {
My new collision idea -
boolean walkRight = true;
boolean walkLeft = true;
boolean walkDown = true;
boolean walkUp = true;
public void tick() {
if(walkRight == true) {
velX = 2;
}if(walkLeft == true) {
velX = -2;
}if(walkDown == true) {
velY = 2;
}if(walkUp == true) {
velY = -2;
if (getBounds().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsTop())) {
walkDown = false;
if (getBoundsTop().intersects(treeTile.getBounds())) {
walkUp = false;
if (getBoundsRight().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsLeft())) {
walkRight = false;
if (getBoundsLeft().intersects(treeTile.getBoundsRight())) {
walkLeft = false;
Something like this, not exactly, it is just an example.