What your tutorial is trying to say by "weight decay loss" is that compared to the cross-entropy cost you know from your unregularized models (i.e. how far off target were your model's predictions on training data), your new cost function penalizes not only prediction error but also the magnitude of the weights in your network. Whereas before you were optimizing only for correct prediction of the labels in your training set, now you are optimizing for correct label prediction as well as having small weights. The reason for this modification is that when a machine learning model trained by gradient descent yields large weights, it is likely they were arrived at in response to peculiarities (or, noise) in the training data. The model will not perform as well when exposed to held-out test data because it is overfit to the training set. The result of applying weight decay loss, more commonly called L2-regularization is that accuracy on training data will drop a bit but accuracy on test data can jump dramatically. And that's what you're after in the end: a model that generalizes well to data it did not see during training.
So you can get a firmer grasp on the mechanics of weight decay, let's look at the learning rule for weights in a L2-regularized network:
where eta
and lambda
are user-defined learning rate and regularization parameter, respectively and n
is the number of training examples (you'll have to look up those Greek letters if you're not familiar). Since the values eta
and (eta
both are constants for a given iteration of training, it's enough to interpret the learning rule for weight decay as "for a given weight, subract a small multiple of the derivative of the cost function with respect to that weight, and subtract a small multiple of the weight itself."
Let's look at four weights in an imaginary network and how the above learning rule affects them. As you can see, the regularization term shown in red pushes weights toward zero no matter what. It is designed to minimize the magnitude of the weight matrix, which it does by minimizing the absolute values of individual weights. Some key things to notice in these plots:
- When the sign of the cost derivative and the sign are the weight are the same, the regularization term accelerates the weight's path to its optimum!
- The amount that the regularization term affects the weight update is proportional to the current value of that weight. I've shown this in the plots with tiny red arrows showing contributions of weights with current values close to zero, and larger red arrows for weights with larger current magnitudes.