I have an issue with an auto start of Outlook 2016 at boot/log on which is intended to start Outlook minimised to the Windows system tray, such that once invoked at Windows 10 launch mail will be collected by the mail account(s) (NB. All POP in this case.) whilst the program resides in the system tray remaining invisible until required by the user.
The .vbs script below does function as required but much of the time it introduces two unwelcome issues.
The Outlook icon in the System Tray displays a 'cog' overlay with the message "Another program is using Outlook. To disconnect programs and exit Outlook, click the Outlook icon and then click Exit Now".
Attempts to open Outlook from the 'Open Outlook' context menu (right click Outlook icon in the tray) item causes a dialogue box to appear reporting "No active explorer object found". Clicking the "OK" option in response launches Outlook (though issue 1 - cog overlay) remains.
Neither issue is present when Outlook is started normally from the desktop so it would appear that the .vbs script is in someway responsible. I have used this script successfully (see also below: https://superuser.com/questions/467809/start-outlook-automatically-in-tray) in the past both as a startup menu shortcut and a hkcu 'run' registry entry.
Can anyone suggest the cause or alternately a suitable code revision to achieve correct function? In case it is significant, Windows 10 is 64 bit Pro and the version of Office (including Outlook) installed is also 64 bit.
This is the code invoked by the .vbs script:
CONST PATH_TO_OUTLOOK = """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE"""
DIM shell, outlook
SET shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' Open Outlook
' Grab a handle to the Outlook Application and minimize
SET outlook = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
outlook.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = SHOW_MAXIMIZED
' Loop on error to account for slow startup in which case the
' process and/or the main Outlook window is not available
WHILE Err.Number <> 0
SET outlook = NOTHING
SET outlook = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
outlook.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = MINIMIZE
SET outlook = NOTHING
Having spent a number of hours on this issue over the weekend I thought that I had resolved the issues and got everything functioning as intended.
Working from similar samples of code I compiled a new script (see below) which I applied both as a shortcut in the Startup folder and also as an entry into the 'run' branch of the HKCU registry.
Now for the issue! Testing the script on two separate Windows 10 Pro (both 64 Bit architecture) systems both with Outlook 2016 64 Bit installed as part of a 64 Bit Office suite I found that whereas on one system the script runs flawlessly on the other I receive the following runtime error:
Script: D:\Neil's Files\Neil's Filing Cabinet\Neil's Emails\Start Outlook Minimised to Tray\Start Outlook 2016 Minimised To Tray.vbs
Line: 11 Char: 5 Error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'GetObject' Code: 800A01AD Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
This has me perplexed as the script file and it's related shortcut are both physical copies of each other given that the revised script below contains no path references (as these are handled directly by the code in respect of Outlook.exe) which are identified by the placement of either the shortcut or as the data element of the registry string whichever format is used.
The Systems do have some differences however and for comparative purposes I will summarise those I feel to be relevant here:
System 1: (The problem system) is an X58 Asus P6T7, Intel i720 mature PC with many programs installed and specifically the Outlook 2016 has the same 12 addins installed but in addition has two related programs which launch at boot, the enterprise editions of 4team's Sync2 for Microsoft Outlook and Safe PST Backup. The boot times are quite lengthy (but acceptable) as is the Outlook Startup with it's various addins.
System 2: Is a current generation Asus X99-Deluxe, i7 5930 new build pc with little installed as yet save MS Office, Adobe CC and some utilities.
In the case of System 1, Outlook auto-starts as intended however during it's loading splash screen (whilst it is loading up the addins) the runtime error is displayed although Outlook continues to open fully but fails to minimise.....
This suggests to me that the faulting code is the section which activates the window however the above error message refers to "ActiveX component can't create object: 'GetObject'" which suggests instead an issue with the code line "Set OLObj = GetObject("","Outlook.Application")"??
Hopefully somebody can test the code on a similar setup and report back? Or alternately, give me a pointer as to what is going on and how I might resolve it. I would of course also welcome any suggested improvements to the code!
** Quick Update ** Now tested on HP Elitebook 8440P Laptop - Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit with Office 64 Bit + same 12 Outlook Addons - Functions as intended.....
** Further Update ** Tested on a second HP Elitebook 8440P Laptop - Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit with Office 64 Bit + same 12 Outlook Addons - Above RunTime error experienced once again.......struggling to comprehend why these results are occurring?? Any thoughts anybody???
The code below is offered "as is" for the benefit of anyone else seeking the same Outlook auto start criteria. The testing with System 2 indicates that it works so I hope others enjoy similar success until the outstanding issues are sorted.
NB: To adjust the Outlook Launch Window Size (during its 10 second pause prior to automated minimising) to reflect personal preferences change the numeric value in the following line of code:
WshShell.Run "OUTLOOK.EXE" , 3, false
For a maximised window size change the value to 3 For a restored window size change the value to 2
Dim WshShell
Dim OLObj
Set WshShell = WScript. CreateObject ( "Wscript.Shell" )
'Open Outlook: Note that inspite of the launch options, it will open the program in a normal window.
'The file location path is not necessary as Windows 10 correctly identifies Outlook's location.
WshShell.Run "OUTLOOK.EXE" , 3, false
'This will mimimise it to the system tray after a 10 second pause to allow for mail collection on Outlook launch.
WScript.Sleep (10000)
Set OLObj = GetObject("","Outlook.Application")
'Activates the window
'Sends the command to minimise
OLObj.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = 1
'Outlook does not immediately minimise to the system tray so that 'Send/Receive' can initiate mail collection.
Thanks to jrv from Microsoft's "The Scripting Guys" forum who kindly offered a revised (simplified) code which is below. I can report that as with the original code it works flawlessly on the same 2 systems as before, whilst faulting once more on the other two......very much perplexed!!
The Runtime Error:
Script: D:\Neil's Files\Neil's Filing Cabinet\Neil's Emails\Start Outlook Minimised to Tray\Start Outlook 2016 Minimised To Tray.vbs
Line: 3 Char: 5 Error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'Outlook.Application' Code: 800A01AD Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
The revised code:
Set WshShell = CreateObject ( "Wscript.Shell" )
WshShell.Run "OUTLOOK.EXE" , 3, False
Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
ol.ActiveExplorer.WindowState = 1