I have a system (I'm the only user of this system, and that's not expected to change, ever) in which spreadsheets are copied from a template file. This template has a script, which populates a few menus to perform some operations. So each new copy of the template spreadsheet has its own copy of the script. The problem with this is that every time a new spreadsheet is used, the user (me) has to authorize the execution of the script. This didn't use to be that bad, but the authorization process has recently become way more annoying (see for example https://developers.google.com/apps-script/images/unverified-app-ui.gif). Given that I'm the only user of these spreadsheets, I think this process is unnecessary and wish to get around it.
I have tried to get around this by extracting the code into a standalone script file and publishing as an add on (https://developers.google.com/apps-script/quickstart/docs) but actually publishing it requires me to pay 5 dollars, and I think this is ridiculous given that I am the only user.
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.