
I'm using azure search for my app, and lately i'm facing performance issues. Currently i'm investigating problem and i came across the following article:


It says:

Scaling Azure Search for high query rates and throttled requests

When you are receiving too many throttled requests or exceed your target latency rates from an increased query load, you can look to decrease latency rates in one of two ways: Increase Replicas: A replica is like a copy of your data allowing Azure Search to load balance requests against the multiple copies. All load balancing and replication of data across replicas is managed by Azure Search and you can alter the number of replicas allocated for your service at any time. You can allocate up to 12 replicas in a Standard search service and 3 replicas in a Basic search service. Replicas can be adjusted either from the Azure portal or PowerShell. Increase Search Tier: Azure Search comes in a number of tiers and each of these tiers offers different levels of performance. In some cases, you may have so many queries that the tier you are on cannot provide sufficiently low latency rates, even when replicas are maxed out. In this case, you may want to consider leveraging one of the higher search tiers such as the Azure Search S3 tier that is well suited for scenarios with large numbers of documents and extremely high query workloads.

Now i can't figure out what throttled requests means. Google didn't help!


1 Answers


Azure Search starts throttling requests when the error rate (requests failing with 207 or 503 status codes) exceeds a certain threshold. The best strategy is to use an exponential retry policy on 207 and 503 responses to control the load and avoid throttling altogether.

Throttled requests have the throttle-reason response header that contains information about why the request was throttled. It appears we haven't documented that; we'll work on fixing that.