I have a basic function:
sayMyName = (fruit) => {
alert("Hello, I'm " + fruit);
return fruit;
When I try to test it with Jest inside FirstComponent.test.js:
import FirstComponent from '../components/FirstComponent';
describe('<FirstComponent />', () => {
it('tests the only function', () => {
FirstComponent.sayMyName = jest.fn();
const value = FirstComponent.sayMyName('orange');
Test says: Comparing two different types of values. Expected string but received undefined.
Apparently I'm not importing the function to test the right way?
I was not smart enough to understand the Jest documents how to test functions from components..
Is there some simple way to import function from component and test it?
Edit: This works now using the 'react-test-renderer'
import FirstComponent from '../components/FirstComponent';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
describe('<FirstComponent /> functions', () => {
it('test the only function', () => {
const wrapper = renderer.create(<FirstComponent />);
const inst = wrapper.getInstance();