
Hi I am kind of new to ELK and also GROK pattern, below is the log file line for which I want to create a GROK pattern. The fields that I need are before the ‘=’ as parsed by Splunk.

01 Aug 2017 17:58:19,048 INFO ProfileAspect[{applicationSystemCode=appname, clientIP=10.x.x.x, clusterId=Cluster-Id-NA, containerId=Container-Id-NA, correlationId=536bacc1-1b50-3866-5c8c-8d0efa037f8f, domainName=defaultDomain, hostName=ip-x-x-x.domain.com, messageId=10.x.x.23-e2250a0e-b706-4e95-8e11-5b9bf310eabd, userId=ANONYMOUS, webAnalyticsCorrelationId=66D276FF1489DFF845056FD915664268|F90B27374FD5E26D2566CEE3AFDA3AB0}]: class com.provider.base.v1.HomeBaseApiConsumer.searchTasks execution time: 15 ms

I also want to capture the execution time which is displayed in the last i.e 15 ms in this example.

I came up with this GROK pattern which is obviously not working.

%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME},%{NUMBER:duration} %{WORD:loglevel} %{WORD:Activity} [{%{(“applicationSystemCode”= \w)}

As per the document for Custom patterns, mentioned is (?the pattern here)

My updated GROK pattern is

%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME},%{NUMBER:duration} %{WORD:loglevel} %{WORD:Activity} \[\{(?<applicationSystemCode>\W\w+\W\w+)

I tested the regex in regex101.com1 and it works but in grok Debugger it doesnt work.

Any body can help?


2 Answers


The below grok pattern will capture applicationSystemCode and execution time. If required you can capture other fields also in same manner.

%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{WORD:Activity}[{applicationSystemCode=%{WORD:applicationSystemCode}%{GREEDYDATA:msg} execution time: %{GREEDYDATA:time}

Hope this helps.


This is the online debugger that I use for debugging my grok patterns: https://grokdebug.herokuapp.com/

'\' is for escaping special regex characters.

This is an example but I believe you can continue from here:

%{MONTHDAY} %{MONTH} %{YEAR} %{TIME} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{WORD:Profile}\[\{applicationSystemCode=%{DATATYPE:NAMEYOUGIVE}

I hope I was clear and this helps you.