
currently I am writing tests for Vue.js app and got stuck with the problem: if there are some tests for routing, paths in href are modified in each next test according to previous ones.

For example, if in first test I simulate click on a link with href='document/123' and check the vm.$router.history.path, it will correctly show document/123, but if in the next test I'll try to do the same, vm.$router.history.path will show document/document/123 and keep adding 'document' in path with every next test.

It is strange and looks like router keeps existing during all tests in describe block even though I have beforeEach hook where I re-initialize Vue and usage of all plugins alongside with Vue-router and in afterEach hook I call $destroy() method on Vue instance.

Is there any way to modify or reset vm.$router.history object or its properties in afterEach hook or am I missing something else?

Here is code of the test:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Search from '../../../src/Search.vue';
import router from '../../../src/router';

describe('Search', () => {
   let vm;

   beforeEach((done) => {
     const container = document.createElement('div');
     vm = new Vue({
        render: h => h(Search),

   afterEach((done) => {

   it('should navigate to single page when user clicks on "More" button', (done) => {
     let moreButton = vm.$el.querySelector('.btn');
     let clickEvent = new window.Event('click');
     Vue.nextTick().then(() => {
       expect(vm.$router.history.current.path).to.equal('/document/1548'); // passes

  it('should navigate to single page when user clicks on document title', (done) => {
     let link = vm.$el.querySelector('h6 a');
     let clickEvent = new window.Event('click');
     Vue.nextTick().then(() => {
       expect(vm.$router.history.current.path).to.equal('/document/1548'); // fails, actual path is /document/document/1548
Found a small workaround, but it doesn't look like the best solution: either in afterEach or at the end of each test use vm.$router.push('/') to go back to "home"A.Pipchenko

1 Answers


Old question but incase others are encountering the same issue, the solution is described here: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-test-utils/issues/1681

Specifically change the 'mode' parameter in your test suite to 'abstract'. Otherwise the route will be based on window.location which is preserved between tests. 'abstract' configures navigation to be based on the 'stack' which is instantiated with new instances of vue-router.

Locally I had to parameterize my instantiation of vue-router so that in production mode 'history' was used and when running the test suite 'abstract' was used.