I'm trying to display at oracle apex IR query, a biggest date from 3 different tables, using greatest function to choice the biggest. For that, created two varchar2 type functions.
One of them return the date converted to char, of a selected table like this:
create or replace FUNCTION RETURN_DATES (key in number, parameter in NUMBER)
case parameter
when 1 then
select distinct MAX(mydate) into seal from table1 v WHERE v.num_contract = number_contract;
return NVL(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (seal),'mm/dd/yyyy'),'01/01/1980')
when 2 then
select... from table2 x WHERE...
The second function calls that one using a greatest function between the parameter calls, which refers to case statement:
create or replace FUNCTION RETURN_BIGGEST_DATE(key in number) return VARCHAR2 IS
select greatest (RETURN_DATES(key,1),RETURN_DATES(key,2),RETURN_DATES(key,3)) into greatest_date from dual;
return greatest_date;
When i call it on sql commands it's works fine, but at an interactive report its fails, returning the ORA-1843, using the quite same query.
Could anyone help?