What I am trying to do:
Make an empty 3D image (.dcm in this case) with image direction as
In this image, I insert an oblique trajectory, which essentially represents a cuboid. Now I wish to insert a hollow hemisphere in this cuboid (cuboid with all white pixels - constant value, hemisphere can be anything but differentiable), so that it is aligned along the axis of the trajectory.
What I am getting
So I used the general formula for a sphere:
x = x0 + r*cos(theta)*sin(alpha)
y = y0 + r*sin(theta)*sin(alpha)
z = z0 + r*cos(alpha)
where, 0 <= theta <= 2 * pi, 0 <= alpha <= pi / 2, for hemisphere.
What I tried to achieve this
So first I thought to just get the rotation matrix, between the image coordinate system and the trajectory coordinate system and multiply all points on the sphere with it. This didn't give me desired results as the rotated sphere was scaled and translated. I don't get why this was happening as I checked the points myself.
Then I thought why not make a hemisphere out of a sphere, which is cut at by a plane lying parallel to the y,z plane of the trajectory coordinate system. For this, I calculated the angle between x,y and z axes of the image with that of the trajectory. Then, I started to get hemisphere coordinates for theta_rotated and alpha_rotated. This didn't work either as instead of a hemisphere, I was getting a rather weird sphere.
This is without any transformations
This is with the angle transformation (second try)
For reference,
The trajectory coordinate system :
[-0.4744, -0.0358506, -0.8553;
-0.7049, 0.613244, 0.3892;
-0.5273, -0.787537, 0.342;];
which gives angles:
x_axis angle 2.06508 pi y_axis angle 2.2319 pi z_axis angle 1.22175 pi
Code to generate the cuboid
Vector3d getTrajectoryPoints(std::vector<Vector3d> &trajectoryPoints, Vector3d &target1, Vector3d &tangent1){
double distanceFromTarget = 10;
int targetShift = 4;
target -= z_vector;
target -= (tangent * targetShift);
Vector3d vector_x = -tangent;
y_vector = z_vector.cross(vector_x);
target -= y_vector;
Vector3d start = target - vector_x * distanceFromTarget;
std::cout << "target = " << target << "start = " << start << std::endl;
std::cout << "x " << vector_x << " y " << y_vector << " z " << z_vector << std::endl;
double height = 0.4;
while (height <= 1.6)
double width = 0.4;
while (width <= 1.6){
distanceFromTarget = 10;
while (distanceFromTarget >= 0){
Vector3d point = target + tangent * distanceFromTarget;
//std::cout << (point + (z_vector*height) - (y_vector * width)) << std::endl;
trajectoryPoints.push_back(point + (z_vector * height) + (y_vector * width));
distanceFromTarget -= 0.09;
width += 0.09;
height += 0.09;
The height and width as incremented with respect to voxel spacing.
Do you guys know how to achieve this and what am I doing wrong? Kindly let me know if you need any other info.
EDIT 1 After the answer from @Dzenan, I tried the following:
target = { -14.0783, -109.8260, -136.2490 }, tangent = { 0.4744, 0.7049, 0.5273 };
typedef itk::Euler3DTransform<double> TransformType;
TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New();
double centerForTransformation[3];
const double pi = std::acos(-1);
transform->SetRotation(2.0658*pi, 1.22175*pi, 2.2319*pi);
// transform->SetMatrix(transformMatrix);
catch (itk::ExceptionObject &excp){
std::cout << "Exception caught ! " << excp << std::endl;
Then I loop over all the points in the hemisphere and transform them using,
point = transform->TransformPoint(point);
Although, I'd prefer to give the matrix which is equal to the trajectory coordinate system (mentioned above), the matrix isn't orthogonal and itk wouldn't take it. It must be said that I used the same matrix for resampling this image and extracting the cuboid and this was fine. Thence, I found the angles between x_image - x_trajectory, y_image - y_trajectory and z_image - z_trajectory and used SetRotation
instead which gives me the following result (still incorrect):
I tried to get the sphere coordinates without actually using the polar coordinates. Following discussion with @jodag, this is what I came up with:
Vector3d center = { -14.0783, -109.8260, -136.2490 };
height = 0.4;
while (height <= 1.6)
double width = 0.4;
while (width <= 1.6){
distanceFromTarget = 5;
while (distanceFromTarget >= 0){
// Make sure the point lies along the cuboid direction vectors
Vector3d point = center + tangent * distanceFromTarget + (z_vector * height) + (y_vector * width);
double x = std::sqrt((point[0] - center[0]) * (point[0] - center[0]) + (point[1] - center[1]) * (point[1] - center[1]) + (point[2] - center[2]) * (point[2] - center[2]));
if ((x <= 0.5) && (point[2] >= -136.2490 ))
distanceFromTarget -= 0.09;
width += 0.09;
height += 0.09;
But this doesn't seem to work either.