
I have two columns (Date, Distance) data in a Google spreadsheet. Now I want to display distance column using pie chart such that different slice of pie chart shows the sum of distances covered on different days (Sunday, ..., Saturday) of a week using Highcharts library.

Being a noob in web development, I have following queries:

  1. Do I need only jQuery to plot the required data?
  2. Although I figured out that I need to provide the reference of this spreadsheet in Highcharts library, but I do not know how to process this data. Do I need to process both of these columns and figure out which date corresponds to which day of the week and then compute sum? If yes, where should I write this logic?

It would be great if you can give me a dummy example to proceed further.

Are you using Highcharts could? You can plot the data through that if so, see highcharts.com/cloud/import-data/… and then embed it in your site as an iframe. There's also the option to build your own, like you said, see this pen for an example codepen.io/fleeting/pen/AtcrEValentin

2 Answers


Here's a function I wrote for making a pie chart from two columns. Perhaps you can adapt it to your needs. They name of the sheet is 'PieChart' right now.

function makePie(dataColName,labelColName) 
  var dataColName = (typeof(dataColName)!='undefined')?dataColName:'Data';
  var labelColName = (typeof(labelColName)!='undefined')?labelColName:'Labels';
  var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sht=ss.getSheetByName('PieChart');
  var rng=sht.getDataRange();
  var rngA=rng.getValues();
  if(rngA[0].indexOf(dataColName)>-1 && rngA[0].indexOf(labelColName)>-1)
    var datcol=rngA[0].indexOf(dataColName)+1;
    var lblcol=rngA[0].indexOf(labelColName)+1;
    var datrng=sht.getRange(2,datcol,rng.getHeight());
    var lblrng=sht.getRange(2,lblcol,rng.getHeight());
    var charts=sht.getCharts();
      for(var i=0;i<charts.length;i++)
        if(charts[i].getOptions().get('title') == sht.getName())
    var chart = sht.newChart()
                .setPosition(2, rng.getLastColumn()+1, 0, 0)
                .setOption("is3D", "true")

If you want to display aggregated values for each day of the week, than this is quite easy to achieve. Data obtained from Google spreadsheet can be parsed in the complete function. I prepared an example for you, where pie presents sum of the data per each day of the week.

API Reference:
