
Installed Unified Functional Testing Extension on VSTS from Market Place.Have downloaded a Private Agent on Windows from Agent Pool, while selecting the Default Agent Queue and queuing the Build, Facing a below Error :- "No agent found in pool Default which satisfies the specified demand:UFT_LAUNCHER" Agent.Version -gtVersion 1.98.1

I want to run my UFT Scripts in VSTS and then Publish Reports corresponding to Test Scripts created in Test Hub,I am getting failed at First Step. Note: I have added Task as "UFT File System Execution"

enter image description here

Please also check if you installed these softwares as the system prerequisits says github.com/hpsa/ADM-TFS-Extension/wiki/….Marina Liu
@Marina-MSFT Yes I have every Pre- requisites installed on my PC. I had installed the UFT Extension from the Market Place. I don't have any idea how to run the unpack Powershell Script . I am copying the Code in the PS Command Prompt but getting an Error:- You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At line:6 char:22 foreach($item in $zip.items()) CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) , RuntimeException FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNullRodger Nadal
And please also make sure your private agent is specified with the name Default.Marina Liu

1 Answers


You can add environment variable manually: System properties>Advanced> Environment variables>Add UFT_LAUNCHER key with [UFT.zip unpacked path]\UFTWorking value=>Restart build agent.