
In a Phoenix umbrella app I can run mix phoenix.server to compile and run all the apps. I would like to have a separate command to compile and run each sub-app independently.

The docs say that it's possible but I've tried and failed to guess the format of the command.

We can run mix phx.new from any directory in order to bootstrap our Phoenix application. Phoenix will accept either an absolute or relative path for the directory of our new project.

Just run mix phx.server from apps/<your app>? That should only start the specific application you're currently in.Dogbert
Yes, I do know about that but the docs say there is a way to pass a relative path. Have I misunderstood?Peter
That's for mix phx.new (to create a new app), not phx.server.Dogbert

1 Answers


From @Dogberts response this is a misunderstanding of the docs. Paths can be passed to create new apps with phx.new not to compile and run with phx.server