
Setting up a Pipeline build in Jenkins (Jenkins 2.6), copying the sample script for a git-based build gives: "no tool named MSBuild found". I have set MSBuild Tool in Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration. I am running pipeline on the slave node.

In Slave configuration, I have set MSBuild tool path in Node Properties -> Tool Locations.
While build process it is not able to get MSBuild tool path, if i run same source without pipeline (without using Jenkinsfile) it works fine.

Please see Jenkinsfile Syntax

pipeline {
    agent { label 'win-slave-node' }
    stages {
           stage('build') {
           steps {

           bat "\"${tool 'MSBuild'}\" SimpleWindowsProject.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release"

I have also tried to change environment variable for windows slave it not refreshed.

NOTE: I have installed MS Build tool for on slave node

Have you checked the console on which agent it was running while you are building.Chandra Sekhar Y
Can you check this once "node('win-slave-node') { def MSBuild MSBuild= tool 'MSBuild' stage('Build') { bat(/"${MSBuild}" SimpleWindowsProject.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release/) } }"Chandra Sekhar Y
Above is the same code with minor changes try once to check whether working/notChandra Sekhar Y
Can you check to make sure you called the tool MSBuild? You have it referenced one I'm above as "MBuild", without an S.Kdawg
@Chandra Sekhar: Thanks for the code, but it is not working, the issue is not with code, it showing empty string on MSBuild variable. I have set vs2017 env variable by running vcvars64.bat in JenkinsfileAtul N

5 Answers


In Declarative Pipeline syntax, the tooling for MSBuild is a little clunkier. Here's how I've had to handle it, using a script block:

pipeline {
  agent { 
    label 'win-slave-node'
  stages {
    stage('Build') {
      steps {
        script {
          def msbuild = tool name: 'MSBuild', type: 'hudson.plugins.msbuild.MsBuildInstallation'
          bat "${msbuild} SimpleWindowsProject.sln"

In the older Scripted Pipeline syntax, it could be like this:

node('win-slave-node') {
  def msbuild = tool name: 'MSBuild', type: 'hudson.plugins.msbuild.MsBuildInstallation'

  stage('Checkout') {
    checkout scm

  stage('Build') {
    bat "${msbuild} SimpleWindowsProject.sln"

For anyone having this problem and just trying to figure out what 'Tool' represents in Jenkins and where it is configured, see following screenshots:

Go to Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration:
Global Tool Configuration

Scroll down to MSBuild and click the button to expand the section:
MSBuild tool installations

Here you can see what tool name to use to reference MSBuild (or add one):
MSBuild tool name

Then you can reference it for example like this: bat "\"${tool '15.0'}\" solution.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=\"x86\" (example is not declarative syntax, but should show the idea)


You have to define MSBuild in Jenkins => Manage Jenkins => Global Tool Configuration or use a different toolname which is already defined.

${tool 'toolname'}  returns the path defined for a tool in Global Tool Configuration.

Warning: Pay attention to the path defined. Does it point to a folder or to msbuild.exe? You might have to append msbuild.exe:

 ${tool 'VS2017'}\msbuild.exe

A simple snapshot for explaining the concept: How to use Jenkins tool paths in scripts


While the provided answer certainly works, you just have to provide the correct complete tool name.

In our Installation, we had three different MSBuild versions available and I could just use the following

${tool 'MSBuild 15.0 [32bit]'}


We have to define msbuild which is installed in Global Tool Configuration in script block

stage('App_Build'){ steps{ tool name: 'MsBuild', type: 'msbuild' bat ""${tool 'MsBuild'}"My.Service.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release" } }

This will work