
I'm new to Applescripts but i used VB.net alot in the past and could do this easily with VB.net, however i am restricted to using Applescript at the moment as i dont have access to vb.net.

We handle a lot of images at the auctioneers where i work and need to rename all these images inside their folders to allow us to mass upload the images.

So we have folders from 1 to around 600 called "1" to "600", which would represent Lot 1 or Lot 600 in the sale, inside these folders we have about 7 .jpg images of that lot, with the main image being called "Main.jpg" (this is renamed to "Main" manually as i edit the image on photoshop as only the main image needs editing)

The goal of this coding venture is to have all the contents of all the folders from 1 to 600 with the "Main.jpg" file being renamed to the lot number, i'll show an example of what i mean below:

Old contents in folder "1":

img_001.jpg, img_002.jpg, img_003.jpg, Main.jpg

New Contents in folder "1":

1_1.jpg, 1_2.jpg, 1_3.jpg, 1.jpg

as this may be really simple for 1 to 10 folders trying to do this with 900 folders in the past has taken me 3 days using the manual rename right-click function on mac and i want to make a program which will allow me to automate this process, saving me a lot of time.

Any help will me massively appreciated


this is pretty straight forward. you should at least show your aporoach to show you dont just need someone doing all work for you.Pat_Morita

1 Answers


Pretty straight forward as Pat said. Here is just some entry points: First ask user to select the parent folder which contains all your folders :

set ParentF to choose folder "select your parent folder"
tell application "Finder" to set myFolders to every folder of ParentF

myFolders contains a list of all sub folders {"1", "2",...}. You need to loop through each folder of that list (search for "repeat" loops). for each folder, use again similar syntax to get all files in the folder :

tell application "Finder" to set myFiles to every item of AFolder whose name extension is "jpg"

Then again, loop through each file to change its name property.