
I have successfully made Word VBA and VSTO Add-Ins share ribbon customizations in the past using code like this:

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui" onLoad="Ribbon_Load" xmlns:nsMvSample="Sample Namespace">
      <tab idQ="nsMvSample:TabAddIns" label="Sample Tab">
        <group idQ="nsMvSample:MyGroup" label="Sample Group">
          <button id="NewDocument" label="New Document" imageMso="FileNew" size="large" onAction="NewDocument_Click" supertip="Opens the Select Template dialog to create a new document."/>

I'm currently getting to know the newer Office Web Add-Ins. I'd like to slowly introduce them into my solution by moving commands one at a time from VSTO to Office Javascript.

Can a VSTO Add-In share ribbon customisations with the newer Office Web Add-Ins? Can I use the same idQ syntax? If so, how do I setup the namespace?


1 Answers


I'm afraid not. Office Web Add-ins use an entirely different mechanism for defining commands in the ribbon. They support a more constrained set of requirements and controls (buttons and drop-down buttons).