I'm trying to create a Pivot table using vba. I need the code to take a sheet and create a pivot using all the data in it. For columns in the pivot i need: "Years" first and then "Document Date" For Row "Arrears after net due date" For values I need the sum of "Amount"
I tried this code below but it gives me an "Object required error" I've never make pivots before so I'm not sure if I'm even on the right track.
Sub newPVT()
Set Rng = wsA.Range("A1:AA100000")
Set rngData = Range(Rng, Rng.End(xlToRight))
Set rngData = Range(Rng, Rng.End(xlDown))
Set rngB = wsB.Range("C8")
SourceData:=rngData, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14).CreatePivotTable
TableDestination:=rngB, TableName:="pvtReportA_B",
End Sub
Option Explicit
and start from there. The error message seems to say thatwsA
are not defined. – A.S.H