Have you got this working? If no, here is what I did. Hope it helps.
My Setup:
- Django with Postgres
- Django Rest Framework for REST API implementation
- Python Social Auth (PSA) for Social Authentication (For now using Google+ libraries)
- Reactjs frontend
While using <a href="{% url 'social:begin' 'google-plus' %}">Login</a>
for login, it translates to /login/google-plus/
. This not only get's the acess_token but also creates a "social user" in your database. I used oauth 2.0 client side libraries in my case and roughly followed this approach to fetch the google user object with all the details on the client side. I replaced form in above link with ajax call which is more flexible and gives control to me to access tokens and other information necessary. The ajax call here ensures creation of social user in social auth table within the database.
<script type="text/javascript">
gapi.load('auth2', function () {
let auth2;
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: "YOUR CLIENT ID",
scope: "profile",
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin'
auth2.then(function () {
let button = document.getElementById("google-plus-button");
auth2.attachClickHandler(button, {}, function (googleUser) {
// Send access-token to backend to finish the authenticate
// with your application
let authResponse = googleUser.getAuthResponse();
"type": "POST",
"url": "/complete/google-plus/",
"data": {
"access_token": authResponse.access_token,
"CSRF": "{% csrf_token %}"
// Your success code
Once you fetch the access_tokens you can store them in browser local storage till the user logs out. On log out you can delete them.
This method works well for me for the setup I mentioned. Also the problem of querying /obtain-auth-token
with username and password is not there at all.
Would definitely be interested to know if there are other ways of accessing social auth tokens from PSA django. Cheers!